21. Installation and operation test plan

21.1. DB2 Express-C installation tests

  1. Log on as root (or gain root access through a terminal if a root logon is not available)

  2. Mount the DVD (if installing from Discovery DVD set), or download the appropriate Linux compressed image (tar.gz file) from the DB2 Express-C download site

  3. Copy the compressed image file to the /tmp directory

  4. Extract the files from the compressed image, either using the Ark GUI tool or using the console command tar zxvf db2exc_91_LNX_x86.tar.gz

  5. Inside the /tmp folder, change to the exp/disk1i directory and run the db2setup command:

  6. In the DB2 setup Launchpad, choose Install a Product

  7. Choose Install New

  8. Click "Next"

  9. Verify the license and change the radio button to Accept, then choose "Next" to continue the installation

  10. Choose a Typical installation and click "Next"

  11. Verify the install path, or change it to some point on your system with at least 470 MB free, click "Next"

  12. Set up the DAS (DB2 Administration Server) owner account. You can use an existing user, or set up a new one (the default user is 'dasusr1'). Click "Next"
  13. Create a DB2 instance. Click "Next"

  14. Set up the DB2 instance owner account. Again, you can use an existing user, or set up a new one (the default instance owner is 'db2inst1'). Click "Next"

  15. Set up the DB2 fenced user account. Same as before, use an existing user or set up a new one. Click "Next"

  16. Click "Finish" to initiate the install

  17. If there are any problems with the installation, it will show up in the installation log (the log is also kept in the /tmp directory as db2setup.log and db2setup.err)

21.2. DB2 Express-C operation tests

  1. Log in as the DB2 instance owner (db2inst1 by default)

  2. Open a terminal and run 'db2sampl' to create the SAMPLE database

  3. Test terminal based commands:

    1. db2 connect to sample
    2. db2 'select * from dept'

  4. Test DB2 Control Center:

    1. Open the control center with 'db2cc' command
    2. Select the "Advanced" view
    3. Verify the SAMPLE database is present under the "All databases" tab
    4. Look at the contents of one of the SAMPLE database tables and views (e.g. vphone)

  5. Create TOOLS database:
    db2 'create tools catalog TOOLS create new database TOOLSDB'

  6. Launch DB2 Task Center:

    1. Create a task that issues a simple query like "connect to sample; select tabname from syscat.tables; connect reset;", schedule to run now
    2. Click on "show results", no errors should exist

  7. Launch DB2 Journal: You should be able to see the results of the task you ran in the task center from the Journal.

  8. Test DB2 Configuration Assistant

    1. Start Configuration Assistant from the Control Center, or with db2ca

    2. You should see the SAMPLE database listed, if not, click View, then Refresh.

    3. Right click on the SAMPLE database, choose Change Database, then in step 4 of the wizard, register the database as a CLI/ODBC source, and catalog as system data source. Click Finish to commit the changes

    4. Right click on the SAMPLE database again, and click on Test Connection. Select all types (Standard (ODBC), CLI, JDBC), then type in a userid and password, and click on Test Connection. Ensure all tests are successful.

  9. Test DB2 trace facility: db2trc on -- check for positive response, then run db2trc off

  10. Test DB2 problem determination facility: db2pd -db sample > sample.txt (examine output for errors)

  11. Test DB2 license: db2licm -l should return:
    Product name:         "DB2 Express Edition"
    License type:         "Unwarranted"
    Expiry date:          "Permanent"
    Product identifier:   "db2exp"
    Version information:  "9.1"
    Max number of CPUs:   "2"

  12. Test db2dart:
    db2 force applications all
    db2dart sample
    (should report that DB2DART processing has completed successfully)

  13. Test db2look facility: db2look -d sample -e > sample.ddl (should complete successfully)

  14. Test remote connections:

    1. Create connection through command prompt on DB2 remote client system:
      db2 catalog tcpip node test remote computername server 50001
      db2 catalog db sample at node test

    2. From remote machine:
      db2 connect to sample
      db2 "select * from dept"

  15. Reboot server and retest via remote connection (to verify DB2 instance autostart and that any firewall changes stick)